Last updated on Nov 03, 2024 at 12:00by Seksixeny5 comments
This page covers the most important aspects of Fishing in The War Within,including talent builds and suggestions on how to make gold with the profession.
Fishing in The War Within
Fishing is a gathering activity done in the world. You will be searching forbodies of water to throw your bobber in and, hopefully, reel in some valuablefish and treasures from special treasure pools, such as the cosmetic Extra Large Leek!
While most fish are used as Cooking reagents, there are a few that have extrauses, and Fishing is also the main source for the eluse Darkmoon Cards which canbe turned by Inscription into powerful embellishments such as Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosiswhich are likely to be in demand!
Best Race for Fishing in The War Within
Earthen will be able to gather more fish with their Hyper Productiveracial, making them a great option for the current fishing meta.
Dracthyr mobility abilities and +2% baseline Perception racialare a decent alternative, as they will allow you to get more rare catches whilefishing.
Best Gathering Stats for Fishing in The War Within
You will mostly be looking to stack Finesse for bulk fish farming orPerception in order to maximize your odds of fishing rare fish and DarkmoonCards.
Leveling Fishing in The War Within
Increasing your skill in The War Within is done by fishing around the Isles, andthe only limiter to your leveling speed is how highly skilled you already are: thelater points on the raid to 100 are much harder to get than the early ones.
Best Fishing Gear
Fishers can use two pieces of gear:
Bismuth Fisherfriend and
Aqirite Fisherfriend, made by Engineering;
Weavercloth Fishing Cap and
Artisan Fishing Cap, made by Tailoring.
While the main benefit of having blue gear over green is the skill increase,you will also get more gathering stats with blues. Higher Quality gear willalso grant more stats.
Green versions are bind on equip and from trainer recipes, but blue versionsrequire faction / renown grinding for their recipes and are bind on pickup,requiring you to submit a Crafting Order for them or crafting them for yourself.
Best Fishing Enchants and Consumables
You should eat Ghoulfish Delight and use the Alchemy-crafted
Phial of Truesight when doing a fishing session. Enchant your tool with
Enchant Tool - Algari Perception for even more Perception bonuses!
Best Fishing Specializations and Talents in The War Within
Fishing has no Specializations.
Hallowfall Fishing Derby
By heading to the Hallowfall zone on a Saturday and talking toCaptain Oathmyt found around 44,62 you can accept the Hallowfall FishingDerby quest. This is a weekly activity which can only be completedon one character per warband, in order to prevent easy farming of the rewards.
Once you accept the quest you will gain the Derby Dasher buff for onehour, which will be your time limit to catch the (rotating weekly) 3 fishes neededfor its objectives. Completing it will reward
Mereldar Derby Mark, whichcan be further increased by catching more trophy fishes while the buff is up.
If you are lacking the important Find Fish ability to track fish throughyour map, buy
Angler's Guide for less than one gold from Captain Oathmyt.You can also buy various cosmetics for
Mereldar Derby Mark, such as
Dasher's Trophy Fish,Cooking recipes such as
Recipe: Ghoulfish Delight, and the
Algari Anglerthread/
Algari Seekerthread stackable improvements to your
Algari Weaverlinefishing tool enchant.
Catching the various trophy fish will also count towards the The Derby Dashachievement, which rewards the Kah, Legend of the Deep mount!
Khaz Algar Fish Locations
Bismuth Bitterling and
Crystalline Sturgeon can be found whenfishing from Glimmerpools in the Isle of Dorn or the Ringing Deeps,or on the coast of the Isle of Dorn;
Specular Rainbowfish only show up when fishing from Glimmerpools;
Whispering Stargazer is found when fishing from Stargazer Swarms,the coast of the Isle of Dorn, the Ringing Deeps, or Hallowfall;
Awoken Coelacanth can be fished in Azj-Kahet after using 10
Whispering Stargazers to get the
Whispers of the Deep buff;
Cursed Ghoulfish can be found whenever you fish at zones you are belowthe skill level of;
Regal Dottyback and
Queen's Lurefish can be found on Hallowfallor Azj-Kahet when fishing from Royal Ripple pools but require higher Fishingskill for a successful catch.
Making Gold with Fishing in The War Within
Fishing makes gold by farming fish pools for the most part, as that is whereyou will find the best and rarest catches. You should also aim for fishing as manyDarkmoon Cards as possible, as those are likely to be among the most valuable itemsyou can sell.
As fish are a common ingredient for stat food and feasts, try to sell yoursin raid days, when Cooks are more likely to be looking to craft and sell theirwares. The Undermine Exchange canalso help you understand the price fluctuation for fish in your server, and whichfish is best to farm at any given moment.
Although it sounds simple, most players do not have the patience or knowledgeto take advantage of timing the market, and doing so correctly is where your profitwill come from in the long term. Selling the fish randomly is potentially leavinga lot of gold on the table if price fluctuations are high!
We have a specialized guide for The War Within gold-making below, which containsa gold-making tier list and goes deeper into techniques and habits for successfulgold making, as well as websites and addons that can help you on your journey!
The War Within Profession Gold Making Guide
- 03 Nov. 2024: Added information on Earthen racial powers and other perks.
- 26 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
- 24 Aug. 2024: Added information on the Hallowfall Derby and fishes/pools available.
- 22 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within launch.
- 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 07 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
- 04 Sep. 2022: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
- 27 Nov. 2022: Page added.
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