Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (2025)

Posted byDino_Roar GamingMarch 16, 2023August 8, 2023Posted inGuidesTags:EastAsiaSoft, PS4, PS5, Switch, Text Guide, Trophy Guide, Walkthrough, XBox, YeTa Games

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (1)

Trophy Roadmap

Difficulty: 2/10
Estimated time to Platinum: 20 – 30 min
Trophies: 13. Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (2) 1 / Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (3) 11 / Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (4) 1 / Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (5) 0
Missable trophies: None
Glitched trophies: None
Difficulty related: None
Playthrough: 25 Levels


Welcome to the Tricky Thief trophy guide!
From YeTa Games & EastAsiaSoft; “Get ready for a stealthy spin on tile-based sliding puzzles as you navigate the brainteasing chambers of Tricky Thief!


Step 1: Complete 25 Levels
Below I have detailed a full button input walkthrough for all 25 levels required for the platinum trophy. The most difficult part of this game is the fact that some of the moves need to be timed exactly on some levels. This should still not cause to much problem, as long as you do not try to rush through.

Coins & Deaths can be farmed on any level, so if you have not obtained the platinum through natural gameplay by the time you have Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (6) Leveler VI, then pick any level and collect the coins/get caught as many times as you require for Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (7) Hunted III & Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (8) Banker III.

Tips and Strategies

Take you time. Some of the moves can only be done at a specific time, as the guards will trap you otherwise. You are free to occasionally backtrack a move in order to remain in a safe place whilst studying the next move sequence.

You can also pause the game and the gaurds will continue to move. This can be used to your advantage if you are struggling with a particular part.

Text Walkthrough

  1. R, U, – Trophy EarnedTricky Thief Trophy Guide (9) Leveler I
  2. R, U, L, U,
  3. L, U, R, U,
  4. R, U, L, U, R, U, L,
  5. L, U, R, U, L, U, – Trophy EarnedTricky Thief Trophy Guide (10) Leveler II
  6. R, U, L, U, R, L, D, L, U, R, U, L,
  7. R, U, L, D, R, U, L, U, L,
  8. U, R, D, R, D, L, R, U, L, U, D, R, U,
  9. R, U, D, L, U, R, D, R, U, L, U,
  10. R, U, D, L, U, R, U, L, U, – Trophy EarnedTricky Thief Trophy Guide (11) Leveler III
  11. L, U, L, D, L, D, R, U, L, U, R, U, L, D, R, D, U, L, U, L, U,
  12. U, R, U, L, U, R, D, U,
  13. U, L, U, L, U, Rx2, U,
  14. U, L, R, D, R, U, R, D,
  15. U, Rx3, U, L, R, D, L, D, L, R, D, – Trophy EarnedTricky Thief Trophy Guide (12) Leveler IV
  16. U, D, R, U, R, D, R, U, L, D, L, R, D, R,
  17. U, R, L, D, L, R, U, D, R, U, L, U, R, D, R, U, L, D, R,
  18. L, U, R, D, R, L, U, R, U, L, U, R, U, L, U, D, R,
  19. R, U, R, U, R, D, R, U, L, D, R, U, L, U, R, D, L, D, L, D,
  20. R, U, R, U, L, D, L, U, R, D, L, U, L, U, D, R, U, R, D, L, U, L, D, R, D, R, – Trophy EarnedTricky Thief Trophy Guide (13) Leveler V
  21. R, U, L,
  22. R, L, U, R, D, R, U, L, D, R, U, R,
  23. R, U, L, U, R, D, R, D, L, U, R, D, R,
  24. R, U, R, U, R, D, R, D, L, R, U, L, U, R, D, U, L, D, U, L,
  25. U, R, L, D, R, U, R, D, L, R, U, R, D, L, U, L, U, R, D, R, U, L, R, D, L, U, L, U, – Trophy EarnedTricky Thief Trophy Guide (14) Leveler VI & Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (15) Thief Master

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Trophy List

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (16)Thief Master Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (17)
Unlock all other trophies.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (18)Hunted I Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (19)
Get caught 6 times.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (20)Hunted II Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (21)
Get caught 12 times.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (22)Hunted III Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (23)
Get caught 24 times.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (24)Banker I Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (25)
Collect 10 coins.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (26)Banker II Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (27)
Collect 25 coins.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (28)Banker III Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (29)
Collect 50 coins.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (30)Leveler I Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (31)
Successfully complete level 1.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (32)Leveler II Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (33)
Successfully complete level 5.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (34)Leveler III Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (35)
Successfully complete level 10.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (36)Leveler IV Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (37)
Successfully complete level 15.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (38)Leveler V Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (39)
Successfully complete level 20.

Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (40)Leveler VI Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (41)
Successfully complete level 25.

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Published by Dino_Roar Gaming

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Tricky Thief Trophy Guide (2025)
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